Take Action This Tuesday for National Arts Advocacy Day!

National Arts Advocacy Day on Tuesday, April 9. Even if you cannot attend in person, you can help the state arts advocacy delegation members who are coming to DC. We need you to write to your Members of Congress by this Friday, April 5th at noon. We are going to tally all of these letters so that your state arts advocacy captain can walk in each Congressional office and say, “Today is Arts Advocacy Day and I want to add my voice to the other constituents who have already e-mailed you about the importance of the arts and arts education in our state.”
Take two minutes to send a pre-written, customizable Arts Advocacy Day letter to your members of Congress.
Attend a live Arts Advocacy Day event from home!
The Nancy Hanks Lecture on Arts and Public Policy is the highlight of Arts Advocacy Day. This year, acclaimed cellist and arts educator Yo-Yo Ma will deliver the lecture and perform at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. For the first time ever, Google will web stream the event live for millions to enjoy and be inspired. To watch, visit the Americans for the Arts’ YouTube channel on Monday, April 8 at 6:30 PM EDT.
Want to ask Yo-Yo Ma an arts education question?
The next day, Yo-Yo will take a break from his Arts Advocacy Day visits with Congress to participate in our Google Hangout (aka video chat). Tweet us your questions in advance using the #AskYoYo hashtag. To watch the Google Hangout, visit the Americans for the Arts’ YouTube channel on Tuesday, April 9 at 10:30 AM EDT.
Thank you for being part of the 2013 National Arts Advocacy Day!