Our Purpose

Mission & Vision

We promote lifelong music education and access to music participation as fundamental to human development, representing an investment in people, culture and the economy.

We protect and advocate for the rights of music creators and performers, both to be fairly compensated and to speak freely without fear.

We recognize that our strength lies in our diversity, and that inclusion is essential to achieving our mission.


The National Music Council of the United States is composed of American music organizations representing every form of educational, creative and commercial musical activity. Founded in 1940, the National Music Council was chartered by the 84th Congress in 1956. The NMC has been the official United States representative to the International Music Council for over seventy years.

The National Music Council is dedicated to creating a welcoming and inclusive music community. We strive to promote diversity, ensure equal opportunities, and celebrate the unique contributions of everyone. By building partnerships and educational initiatives, we aim to inspire positive change in the music industry and help to ensure that our member organizations reflect the diversity of the world around us.

We connect the entirety of the music community, providing a forum to encourage communication and cooperation on issues of common concern.

Goals and Directives:

• To uphold the teaching, learning and experiencing of music in our schools as an indispensable part of a well-rounded education

• To promote and support the protection of creative and intellectual property rights both domestically and internationally

• To provide member organizations with a forum for the interchange of information and the free discussion of issues affecting the musical life of our country

• To speak with a unified voice when authoritative expression of opinion is collectively determined to be advantageous

• To investigate and report on concerns of importance to the membership

• To encourage the development and appreciation of the art of music and to foster the highest ethical and professional standards throughout the music community

For more information, contact NMC Director Dr. David Sanders at sandersd@montclair.edu