US Patent and Trademark Office To Hold a Public Listening Session on AI and IP

The US Patent and Trademark Office announcement, will be holding a public listening session on AI and IP, including copyright, at Loyola Law School in LA, on March 27 (both in person and remotely). The session will include representation from the Copyright Office and feature panel discussions by experts in the field of patent, trademark, and copyright law that focus on:
- a comparison of copyright and patent law approaches to the type and level of human contribution needed to satisfy authorship and inventorship requirements;
- ongoing copyright litigation involving generative AI; and
- a discussion of laws and policy considerations surrounding name, image, and likeness (NIL) issues, including the intersection of NIL and generative AI.
For more information about PTO’s work with stakeholders on AI, see its AI and Emerging Technology Events page.
The National Music Council weighed in on the International Property Organization (WIPO) Intergovernmental Committee (“IGC”) discussions on traditional cultural expressions. Read the full comments here.