SupportMusic Responds to Michigan’s Music Cuts

Such a decision would be, perhaps, understandable in light of the fiscal woes that currently beset many of our nation’s urban areas. It is, however, neither understandable nor defensible in terms of our collective responsibility to provide a full, balanced education to all of our children.
“A broad base of research exists demonstrating the many benefits of music and arts in student learning and achievement. As is noted in the Partnership for 21st Century Learning Skills¹ Arts Skills Map, arts education is powerful preparation for college, career, and a fulfilling life. When delivered by certified educators, these benefits are most substantially gleaned, hence, the lifelong learning impact is greatest. Quite simply put, such dividends are far less likely to be realized when delivery takes place via arts-integration or artist-in-residence programs.
Arts instruction by certified teachers is, in fact, a vital requirement of a successful learning experience, and simply cannot be equaled by the type of stopgap methods presently being touted in Lansing.”
Professional certified staff, time, materials, and planned curricula should be available to students in every school. Second-best solutions involving some exposure to music and the other arts simply cannot replace the work of professional educators who are committed both to excellence in their art forms and, as trained teachers, to the growth and learning of children. We cannot deprive students of essential experiences in music and the arts that for many are among the strongest reasons they come to and stay in school.
There is absolutely a role for arts integration and artists-in-residence, both of which can enliven the classroom experience in unique and incredible ways. But that role must be an overlay and enhancement of true arts learning. Music and the arts are designated core curriculum and require core curriculum funding and the highest quality teachers. In support of the need to provide the best possible learning opportunities for children in Lansing, we urge you to reconsider your decision.