National Music Council Endorses NFHS/NAfME Understanding Copyright and Compliance Course

Using copyrighted materials is a complicated, but necessary ingredient in education. With recent lawsuits to schools topping $9 million it’s important to understand copyright compliance for the music classroom. With assistance and endorsement from the National Music Council, a copyright compliance education course has been developed by NMC members NAfME and NFHS.
This helpful course was designed by the NFHS and NAfME to explain what copyright means and when there may be exceptions. It discusses Fair Use, when a piece of music might be in the Public Domain, copyright infringement penalties, and much more. This unique course has been designed for the specific needs of Music Teachers, Spirit Coaches, School Administrators, Theatre Directors, and Speech/Debate
By completing this course, teachers and administrators can earn Continuing Education Units for recertification within their state.